Company & Career


 As a developer and system manufacturer, STOBER deals with all drive technology components – from software to precision gears. The comprehensive, modularly designed product range enables extremely individually structured solutions.


Motivated, independently acting employees form the basis of our company’s success. The flat hierarchy for short decision-making paths and the focus on people make up our corporate philosophy.


In 1943, the self-developed STOBER adjustment drive was brought onto the market. Its speed was adjusted for the first time in history using a continuously adjustable friction gear.


The well-founded competence from the experience of various areas of application enables targeted advice and an innovative conception of digital drive axes.

2019 booth

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The gold standard for perfect motion

Perfect motion is smooth, fast, precise, and reliable. The gold standard means we are unequalled in our pursuit of perfect motion – and not just in our products. It requires dedicated employees, seamless processes, and excellent solutions. Together with our customers and partners, we aspire to develop innovative products and strive for top performance. To accomplish this, we provide drive and automation system solutions. We put our heart and soul into everything we do, guaranteeing our company’s success today and in the future.



…integrally and precisely

We passionately put ideas into motion and bring them to life. With decades of experience and an exceptionally broad range of products, we create solutions that make a difference. Our customers benefit from precise and durable system solutions with uncompromising quality, rapid response, and unsurpassed support.

… as a team and with personality

As a family business, close relationships are extremely important to us. We build relationships with our employees, customers, and partners. People come first. We advocate for our employees’ well-beings, see things from our customers’ perspectives, and are committed to mutual success.

…responsibly and in a forward-looking manner

Innovation is what drives us. Since its founding, STOBER has stood for trendsetting innovations. We get excited about new ideas and solutions and invest in training our employees and developing our products, processes and subsidiaries around the world. We take responsibility for protecting our planet and the people on it. We pursue sustainable growth in order to ensure our long-term success.

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The Big Picture – we think in terms of integrated solutions

When creating our solutions, we integrate all aspects of our company: people, processes, and products. Our comprehensive STOBER solutions offer unbeatable advantages. As a trusted partner, we are there for you from day one – every step of the way.

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Quality is in our DNA

At STOBER, quality is in our DNA, and we are proud of it. We strive to always offer our customers the best products and service. We are never satisfied and constantly work to improve our performance.

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Dedication – We give our all for mutual success

We are passionate about our mutual success. Listening to what our customers need and putting ourselves in their shoes allows us to identify the challenges they face and determine how to best solve them. With our top service and support, we are dedicated to providing the perfect solutions.

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Teamwork – we embrace teamwork

We achieve our goals through teamwork – within the company, as well as with our customers and external partners. Why? Because we are stronger and more successful together. Most of all, we feel it is vital that this teamwork is based on a solid foundation of honesty, fairness and trust. We believe in learning and growing together.

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Innovation – Innovation is what drives us

Innovation is what drives us. We maintain a constructive, creative environment with lots of space for our employees to hone their skills and develop innovative ideas. We deliver peace of mind in the demanding world of motion.

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Responsibility – sustainable growth is our top priority

We have deep roots in our local communities and strong ties to our employees and partners. We maintain our company’s financial independence and strive for sustainable growth. We make our decisions carefully, taking into account the environment and the people affected today and in the future.